2 min read



With COVID cases on the rise, and showing no signs of stopping, it’s important to be prepared. If you haven’t created a response plan, now is the time. Communication is important, especially in time of a crisis. Here’s what you need to know to keep your employees and customers safe:

1. The virus is spread person-to-person

It may seem like common sense to wash your hands but make sure you are doing it properly. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in a public place, after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If you can’t wash your hands, a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol will work as well. This could be the time to inform employees and customers about the proper way to wash hands. Here is the resource from the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/when-how-handwashing.html

Your customers are likely fearing the same interactions you are. Here are a few things to do ASAP:

  • Email existing customers and let them know you are taking precautions seriously
  • Put messages out on your social media, website and personal pages about how you and your team will be handling roof inspections/builds
  • Plan for increased online or digital marketing to generate new inbound lead

2. Social distancing means going “contact free”

 Many companies, not just contractors, are going “contact free”. This means communicating via phone or video chat in order to avoid meeting in person. With applications like Zoom, Skype, and Facetime, this is easily accessible. Many are now offering these services for free which means no added tech fees for your organization.

Here are a few things to do ASAP:

  • Make a plan for how your sales team can do any presentations/pitches through video, chat or email
  • Make sure you are organizing job photos using CompanyCam or something similar
  • Keep job information organized to streamline communication using a CRM like JobNimbus, AccuLynx or Iroofing

3. This is the time to bring your team together

Times are a little scary with the virus spreading and businesses being shut down. It’s understandable. This time can be used to bring you and your team together. It’s important to reassure your employees during this time. It can look like asking for feedback and encouraging professional development if times are slow. This also a good opportunity to do employee reviews and evaluate what each employee brings to your company.

Things to keep in mind:

People are home. While you may not be able to door knock – you can get valuable information out there to them that educates them on hail/roof inspections or helps them to spot a potential leak. Utilize platforms like Facebook, Nextdoor your email list and others to help not just your digital marketing presence but also your ability to generate inbound leads.

How are you dealing with COVID? Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn and share your tips with us.



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