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ContractorCoachPro Sales Boot Camp

ContractorCoachPro Sales Boot Camp

When it comes to selling in a storm environment, you have to take a different approach than you normally would. Instead, you have to be authentic, genuine, and focused on your clients. You have to keep the “job” fun and profitable at the same time. Understanding this and pulling it off requires training. Thankfully, Jim Johnson of ContractorCoachPRO is ready to help you get there with an intense, 1-day boot camp focused on marketing and sales in a storm environment.

What the sales boot camp will focus on:

With 20 years of experience in the industry, Jim has taught hundreds of million dollar reps and dozens of multimillion dollar reps. He doesn’t believe that having one “bullet” in your arsenal is enough. With only one bullet, what happens if you miss? How do you keep on fighting for the sale? Instead, during this sales boot camp, Jim will focus on how you can tailor your personality to the game and become a Sales PRO. To accomplish this, you’ll need a variety of ammunition. This sales boot camp is focused on giving you everything you need to win the game. You won’t learn one thing, you’ll learn a variety of techniques and come away with new tools all designed to help you close the deal.

What you’ll learn during the sales boot camp:

The 1-day sales boot camp doesn’t focus on one aspect of the sales process. Instead, the boot camp is a sales intensive designed to give you an entire arsenal with various “bullets.” Not every sale is going to be the same, so why should your approach always be the same? During this sales boot camp, here’s what you can expect to learn:
How to create an Endless Stream of Leads that call you
How to win with your Inspection
How to Frame Your Presentation to get a “yes”
How to sell to the Buyer’s Personality
How to Defeat Objections before they happen and how to handle them if you don’t
How to Sell Value over price with “systems”
How to create a Referral System by understanding incentive
How to create a Million Dollar Schedule

Are you ready to transform your sales?

This 1-day sales boot camp is quickly approaching. You don’t want to miss it. You need this in order to start selling better in a storm environment. This isn’t an event to miss. Register using this link.

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